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Community Dashboard
Persons with Health Insurance
Persons with Health Insurance
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Adults who Binge Drink
Adults who Drink Excessively
Age-Adjusted Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Death Rate
Death Rate due to Drug Poisoning
Adults with Cancer
Adults with Cancer (Non-Skin) or Melanoma
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Breast Cancer
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cancer
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Colorectal Cancer
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Lung Cancer
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Prostate Cancer
All Cancer Incidence Rate
Breast Cancer Incidence Rate
Cancer: Medicare Population
Cervical Cancer Incidence Rate
Cervical Cancer Screening: 21-65
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Cancer Screening: Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy
Colon Cancer Screening: USPSTF Recommendation
Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rate
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence Rate
Mammogram in Past 2 Years: 50-74
Mammography Screening: Medicare Population
Oral Cavity and Pharynx Cancer Incidence Rate
Pap Test in Past 3 Years
Prostate Cancer Incidence Rate
Child Mortality Rate: Under 20
Clinical Care Ranking
Health Behaviors Ranking
Morbidity Ranking
Mortality Ranking
Physical Environment Ranking
Social and Economic Factors Ranking
Adults 20+ with Diabetes
Adults with Diabetes
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Diabetes
Diabetes: Medicare Population
Diabetic Monitoring: Medicare Population
Adults with Disability Living in Poverty
Children with a Disability
Persons with a Cognitive Difficulty
Persons with a Disability
Persons with a Hearing Difficulty
Persons with a Self-Care Difficulty
Persons with a Vision Difficulty
Persons with an Ambulatory Difficulty
Veterans with a Disability
Adults who have had a Routine Checkup
Adults with Health Insurance
Adults without Health Insurance
Children with Health Insurance
Medicare Healthcare Costs
Non-Physician Primary Care Provider Rate
Persons with Private Health Insurance Only
Persons with Public Health Insurance Only
Preventable Hospital Stays: Medicare Population
Primary Care Provider Rate
Households with an Internet Subscription
Households with One or More Types of Computing Devices
Persons with an Internet Subscription
Adults who Experienced a Stroke
Adults who Experienced Coronary Heart Disease
Adults who Have Taken Medications for High Blood Pressure
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke)
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Attack
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Disease
Atrial Fibrillation: Medicare Population
Cholesterol Test History
Current High Blood Pressure Prevalence
Heart Failure: Medicare Population
High Blood Pressure Prevalence
High Cholesterol Prevalence
High Cholesterol Prevalence: Adults 35+
High Cholesterol Prevalence: Past 5 Years
Hyperlipidemia: Medicare Population
Hypertension: Medicare Population
Ischemic Heart Disease: Medicare Population
Stroke: Medicare Population
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Influenza and Pneumonia
COVID-19 Daily Average Case-Fatality Rate
COVID-19 Daily Average Incidence Rate
Flu Vaccinations: Medicare Population
Persons Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Pneumonia Vaccinations: Medicare Population
Age-Adjusted Maternal Death Rate
Babies with Low Birthweight
Infant Mortality Rate
Mothers who Received Early Prenatal Care
Mothers who Smoked During Pregnancy
Preterm Births
Adults Ever Diagnosed with Depression
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Suicide
Depression: Medicare Population
Frequent Mental Distress
Mental Health Provider Rate
Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days
Poor Mental Health: Average Number of Days
Life Expectancy
Premature Death
Adult Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Adults 65+ who Received Recommended Preventive Services: Females
Adults 65+ who Received Recommended Preventive Services: Males
Adults 65+ with a Disability
Adults 65+ with a Hearing Difficulty
Adults 65+ with a Self-Care Difficulty
Adults 65+ with a Vision Difficulty
Adults 65+ with an Independent Living Difficulty
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia: Medicare Population
Adults 65+ with Total Tooth Loss
Adults who Visited a Dentist
Dentist Rate
Adults with Arthritis
Adults with Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease: Medicare Population
Osteoporosis: Medicare Population
Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis: Medicare Population
Adults 20+ who are Sedentary
Adults who are Sedentary
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Firearms
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Unintentional Poisonings
Adults with COPD
Adults with Current Asthma
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
Asthma: Medicare Population
COPD: Medicare Population
Gonorrhea Incidence Rate
Adults who Smoke
Adults Who Are Obese
Adults who are Overweight
Frequent Physical Distress
Insufficient Sleep
Poor Physical Health: 14+ Days
Poor Physical Health: Average Number of Days
Self-Reported General Health Assessment: Poor or Fair
Voter Turnout: Presidential Election
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Homicide
Violent Crime Rate
Average Household Size
Female Population
Foreign Born Persons
Male Population
Population Age 5+ with Language Other than English Spoken at Home
Population American Indian and Alaska Native
Population Asian
Population Black or African American
Population Hispanic or Latino
Population Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
Population Over Age 65
Population Over Age 65 (Count)
Population Two or More Races
Population Under Age 18
Population Under Age 5
Population White
Population White (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Total Population
Veteran Population
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Motor Vehicle Collisions
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths
Children in Single-Parent Households
People 65+ Living Alone
People 65+ Living Alone (Count)
Social Associations
Households without a Vehicle
Mean Travel Time to Work
Solo Drivers with a Long Commute
Workers Commuting by Public Transportation
Workers who Drive Alone to Work
Employer Establishments
Female Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force
Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force
Size of Labor Force
Total Employment
Total Employment Change
Unemployed Veterans
Unemployed Workers in Civilian Labor Force
Child Food Insecurity Rate
Food Insecure Children Likely Ineligible for Assistance
Food Insecurity Rate
Households Receiving SNAP with Children
Households Receiving SNAP with Children (Count)
Projected Child Food Insecurity Rate
Projected Food Insecurity Rate
Students Eligible for the Free Lunch Program
Households with Cash Public Assistance Income
Homeowner Vacancy Rate
Housing Units
Median Household Gross Rent
Median Housing Unit Value
Median Monthly Owner Costs for Households without a Mortgage
Mortgaged Owners Median Monthly Household Costs
Mortgaged Owners Spending 30% or More of Household Income on Housing
Overcrowded Households
Renters Spending 30% or More of Household Income on Rent
Severe Housing Problems
Gender Pay Gap
Households that are Above the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Threshold
Households that are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE)
Income Inequality
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Children Living Below 200% of Poverty Level
Children Living Below Poverty Level
Families Living Below 200% of Poverty Level
Families Living Below Poverty Level
Households Living Below Poverty Level
People 65+ Living Below 200% of Poverty Level
People 65+ Living Below Poverty Level
People 65+ Living Below Poverty Level (Count)
People Living 200% Above Poverty Level
People Living Below 200% of Poverty Level
People Living Below Poverty Level
Veterans Living Below Poverty Level
Youth not in School or Working
Child Care Centers
People 25+ with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher
Veterans with a High School Diploma or Higher
Student-to-Teacher Ratio
High School Graduation
Air Pollution due to Particulate Matter
Recognized Carcinogens Released into Air
Access to Exercise Opportunities
Access to Parks
Food Environment Index
Liquor Store Density
Proximity to Highways
Houses Built Prior to 1950
PBT Released
Daily Dose of UV Irradiance
Months of Mild Drought or Worse
Number of Extreme Heat Days
Number of Extreme Heat Events
Number of Extreme Precipitation Days
Weeks of Moderate Drought or Worse
This indicator shows the percentage of persons aged 0-64 years that have any type of health insurance coverage of the entire population.
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County: St. Francois
State: Missouri